- Overview
- 3D Printing
- Pico Circuitry
- Assembly and Wiring
- Operation Guide
ClariMIDI is a MIDI wind controller based closely on a standard (Boehm) clarinet layout.
- 3D printed body
- 7 touch keys (the ‘holes’)
- 18 press keys (the ‘keys’)
- Breath sensor
- OLED menu
- Raspberry Pico microcontroller
It is specifically targetted at clarinettists who want to play a wind controller.
Standard clarinet fingerings are used, and the key layout mimics a normal clarinet.
N.B. This is a MIDI controller, it needs to be connected via USB-MIDI to a synthesizer to make
any sound.
Parts List
3D Printed
You will need to print the following parts…
- Mouthpiece
- BreathSensor (the body)
- SensorRack (adjustable rack for the breath sensor)
- SensorRackScrew
- Body_V2 (the front of the body)
- Body_V2-BackBody (upper back of the body)
- ??? (lower back of the body)
- 5 x SwitchBoxes-SingleBody
- 3 x SwitchBoxes-DoubleBody
- 1 x SwitchBoxes-TripleBody
- 1 x SwitchBoxes-QuadBody
- 18 x KeyStem
- ??? (key tops)
The FreeCAD designs and .3mf models are in the 3D
- Raspberry Pico H
- Soldered prototyping board (see photos)
- 330 Ohm resistor
- 1k Ohm resistor
- 18 x silent keyswitches
- 2.4cm (0.96”) SSD1306 128x64 OLED display with I2C interface
- CNY70 reflective optical sensor
- MPR121 capacitative touch sensors I2C module (Adafruit type 1982 or equivalent)
- White balloon (the softer the better)
- Hook-up wire and various Dupont cables
- 7 x ‘brass’ drawing pins (“pushpins”)
- Superglue or equivalent
- Hot glue gun